
Friday, December 23, 2011

Amazing Race Birthday Party

For my birthday Mark planned a surprise "Amazing Race" adventure with our friends Israel & Kati and Chad & KJ. It was so much fun...I haven't laughed that much in a very long time!

It started with us all meeting at Chad & KJ's house and some how Mark slipped out the door without any of us noticing. The next thing we know is Mark is calling Chad and telling us about the race and giving us instructions! The first clue was to find a pink box hidden in the front yard, we all took off running. We had to put a kids princess puzzle together and he had written on the back 4 riddles or questions we had to answer. Once we had the 4 answers we had to google it and tell Mark our answer. The boys team got done first...the answer was Fox and Hound.

So our adventure took us to our next clue which was a text message with a riddle/saying from a movie we had to figure out. It was to drink a White Russian and take a picture of before and after. We had caught up to the boys because the text from Mark didn't go through and they had no idea what they were suppose to be doing. Their loss but was good for us girls! :)

The next clue was to go to the 1st park that Dylan played at. It was by our first house in Arrowhead, next to the playground is a small pond. Mark had set up ropes from one side of the lake to the other. Our instructions were to blow up a air mattress with hand pump and someone had to ride on it while someone else pulled them across to the other side of the lake! I somehow convinced Kati to do it and KJ pulled. KJ pulled so fast, she was flying across the much so that water got on the mattress and Kati ended up very wet! There was so much laughter!

Then we had to go to Peter Piper Pizza and win enough tickets to buy the list of prizes Mark required. It was something like 310 tickets and we could only play 4 different games to win the tickets! I played skee ball and by the end I had a rhythm going and was pretty good at it. :) I knew I am getting old because my back was hurting from leaning over and playing!

The boys once again got done just before us. They had their prizes and then there were some small kids in front of us. I asked the kids if we could go in front of them and we would give them our leftover tickets. They were thrilled!

Next stop was the end of the race. The boys won.

We had dinner at Chevy's...complete with a birthday song. :)

It was such a great time! Mark is always so great with coming up with unique and special gifts and surprises! Thank you Mark for a amazing birthday experience.

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