
Friday, July 22, 2011

Love this!

The other day Cadence fell off her slide (actually the whole slide fell down) that is attached to her bunkbed. Dylan thought it was his fault because earlier in the day he had been pushing on the back of the slide with his feet while laying down behind it. When she got hurt he was very quick to say sorry and try to fix the problem. He was trying to comfort her and one of the things he asked is if she wanted to watch a show to make her feel better.

I suggested she lay down with a little ice on the red spot on her forehead and relax and that she could pick out the show to watch (usually Dylan picks out what to watch). She picked Tinkerbell...needless to say, Dylan was not thrilled and was vocal about not wanting to watch it. Cadence's solution was, "I know, Mom. We can take turns, Dylans show then my show". I told her that she had the choice of which show to start with. And she answered, "I don't mind Mom, Dylan can watch his show first".

My heart melted at her generous heart. I showed a big smile and gave her a huge hug, I told her what a generous and giving heart she has. She often will give up her own desire for what someone else would rather do or have.

These notes are Dylan's response to her giving him the choice of show. Unsolicited by me, just a idea he had to show her his appreciation...Thank you and I Love you.

Love it :)

1 comment:

Shelly said...

so precious. love their little hearts.