
Thursday, March 29, 2012

Field Trip to Dairy Farm

 Cadence's preschool class had a field trip to a dairy farm yesterday. One of the families in her class own the farm so we were able to take a tour. Their milk is sold to our local Fry's and other grocery stores. :)
 We were able to go around the whole farm on a hayride to see all the cows from newborn to full grown. And also watch them being milked (below). I found the whole process really interesting. :)

 They were even allowed to feed the baby cows with bottles and I was really proud of Cadence for being brave enough to be that close to it. :) We were told they would suck our fingers if we stuck them out and sure enough...just like a baby they sucked on it. Really slobbery!
The trip ended with cookies and of course milk. Isabelle was along and was able to join in with the other kids...I think she felt like a big girl to be with them. :)

Fun morning!

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