
Thursday, December 9, 2010

Garden Bliss

On Sunday afternoon we took a tour of some gardens in our neighborhood. I was so inspired! Some were simple, others were perfectly amazing. I really enjoyed to know that so many people in our area are doing gardens and raising chickens for eggs. The kids loved it as well. :)

The picture below was of Dylan playing with the cat. He kept asking if we could get some animals, especially chickens. I of course answered quickly "yes" and Mark returned with, "uh, I don't think so".
At the end of the tour they had a picnic at the last garden. Fresh chicken soup (from ingrediants & chickens from the farms that we had been at), salad & fresh lemon bars made again by the lemons from someones house. All of it was so wonderful, natural!! I loved every part of it.

I definatly came home with plans of making raised garden beds and trying to figure out how to corral off a part of our yard for chickens. This spring I think our backyard with be transformed! And like other things in life, Mark will one day realize he loves having chickens as well. He is always good about supporting my crazy ideas. :)

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