13+ years ago Mark and I wrote items down on a napkin of things we would like to do within our lifetime. One of Mark's was running a marathon and he was able to check it off yesterday! I am so proud of his hard work and discipline!!

He ran without stopping and his finish time was 4:44...that's a whole lot of running!

The kids and I met him a few different spots. I had the kids make signs. This picture is at mile 20.5 (near Israel & Kati's house). Some friends also came out to cheer him on. It was a lot of fun to encourage the runners as they went by.

We felt a little guilty having the kids eating donuts in front of everyone as they ran by...but the kids enjoyed it. :)

Then the kids lined up and held out their hands for high 5's. It was so fun to see the runners make their way over for the 5's!

Mark kept running and the kids followed along side in the grass for just a bit. :)

This is Mark's co-worker Mike. He has been a huge inspiration and encouragement for Mark. He has run several marathons and Mark
call's him "coach". He came out just to watch & cheer Mark on along the race at 4 different spots! What a great friend!

And Mark's good friend
Nole came to town from Oregon just to run the race. He and Mark were able to start together and find one another at the end.
Nole finished about 20 minutes before Mark. Way to go

It was such a fun day.
Mark is sore but doing good. He says he wants to do it again!
This is a video of his last bit to the finish line!
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