Saturday evening we rode the lightrail to Tempe to watch the Festival of Lights parade. The kids thought it was so great to be able to ride the train. It was the first time for Cadence (that she remembers) and Isabelle both. On the ride there, Cadence kept looking every was like she was a little bobble head. :)
Blogging only so that I can print a book each year and watch my kids look through and laugh remembering stories!
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
sweetness to my ears...
Tonights prayer from Dylan:
God thank you that you keep Lincoln safe.
Thank you that you made me special and other people special.
God thank you that you keep Lincoln safe.
Thank you that you made me special and other people special.
Friday, November 26, 2010
Giving Thanks
Every year we celebrate Thanksgiving at Mark's parents house and my side of the family comes over as well. I forgot to take a picture of the meal with everyone but the below pictures are of the kids saying what they are thankful for and then picking out a price for each item. It has been something my mom has done since I was a little kid.

Teacher, School, Jake, Fruit, Michelle, Grandma R, House, Cabin, Grandma B, Flower (the fish), Grandpa, World, Mom, God, Daddy, Lincoln, Animals, Janae, Friends, Cadence, Isabelle, Christmas and Food!
Jett, Spiderman, Grnadma B, Mom, Janae, Isabelle, Grnadpa, Daddy, Trampoline, House, Jake, TV, Maggie, Uncle Jon, Michelle
Monday, November 22, 2010
Just the 2 of us
Mark's mom watches the kids for us overnight one night a month and it is always so nice to have a full night and not have to worry about being done by a certain time to go pick up the kids. We decided to do a lot of hiking while we didn't have the kids. :)

I think we did stopping on either mountain!
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Great Conversations
Me: (riding in the car) "Dylan, sit correctly in your seat. If we got into a car accident your seat belt wouldn't work correctly"
Cadence: "God doesn't do that"
Me: "What do you mean?"
Cadence: "God drives a car."
Dylan: "No Cadence, God doesn't need to drive a car!"
Cadence: "Yes He does, it's blue with stripes".
Cadence: "God doesn't do that"
Me: "What do you mean?"
Cadence: "God drives a car."
Dylan: "No Cadence, God doesn't need to drive a car!"
Cadence: "Yes He does, it's blue with stripes".
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
I'm not sure if Isabelle is understanding & having independence all of a sudden or I am just feeling it more because she started walking. But she is so aware of her surroundings now, able to do things on her own and is definatly voicing her opinion about things with a high pitch squeel.
Her new thing is climbing up in the regular chair at the table and eating her snack from there. She is taking things to the trash on her own & will go get something if we as her to. She has been a lot of fun lately!
Now that the mornings are cold, Cadence likes to get ready to take Dylan to school. This was a picture from one of the first mornings it started being cold...complete with teddy bear slippers. All this and we don't even get out of the car :)
Dylan loves banana bread! We put bananas in the freezer when they have gone bad and wait for enough to make bread. This time he made it all by himself...of course with a little bit of help.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Birthday Party for Royalty
This Saturdy we celebrated our friend Ava's 2nd Birthday. It was a dress up party of princes & princess'. The kids were so excited about getting ready for the party.
Cadence has a princess dress that she loves to borrow from Maggie, I told her that she had to ask permission from Maggie if she could wear it to the party. The video is of their phone conversation. They are so cute!
Even Isabelle dressed up for the first time. :)
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Carnival Season
Dylan's school had a fundraiser carnival this week. They had homemade games & food goodies. Israel, Kati, Maggie & Eli all came out for the fun. This picture is of the kids being in jail, they had to wait 5 minutes to get out or pay 2 more tickets. :)
Friday, November 12, 2010
Playground in the Bedroom??
I knew that the day would someday come that I would want to get bunkbeds for the girls' room. Last week I was watching Craigslist for a new dresser and came across a bed for super cheap ($30), so we got a new bed for the girls a little earlier than expected. The picture below is of the girls watching me put it together and loving on each other. :)
Isabelle looks like she is scared but she actually loves going down. :)
Isabelle is still in her crib for now...She actually loves hanging out in her bed even when she is awake. I plan on taking advantage of her being content in her crib...knowing she can't get out. :)
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Tumbling Recital
Last friday Cadence had her tumbling recital. I was really proud of her for always participating in class, I was a bit worried when we started because she is usually on the shy side.
She had a audience of daddy, both grandma's, Aunt Jolene & cousin Janae!
Picture below is of the warm up stretching.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Happy Birthday Grandpa R
We celebrated Mark's dad's 64th birthday over the weekend.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
More painting projects
This is my most recent dresser redo. I really like the lines on this dresser and it turned out favorite so far. I distressed the edges with sandpaper & spray painted the handles from a bronze color to silver. I forgot to take a before picture, but it was actually in excellent condition and a nice looking dresser before I painted it (just a bit dated). The best part is I only paid $35 for it!
Last is a file cabinet that my parents were getting rid of. I've been wanting one at our house, so I gave it a makeover as well.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Weekend of Candy...
Mark's work had a dress up and bring the kids in to play little games & get candy on Friday. The employees could dress up as well...and as you can see from the picture below, Mark went all out on his "coach" outfit. Complete with shaving his head into a "cul de sac" and a fake mustache! Most people when first looking at him didn't even realize it was him. Needless to say he won 1st place at the work competition ($100 gift card!) :)
Maggie came over on Sunday night also. She isn't a princess as you might think...she is Queen Esther, that she made very clear when asked. :)
We have so many people come to the neighborhood, at one point I looked up and I think there were probably around 30 people in our exaggeration!
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